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  • 2024-07-29

    The scientific journal VAD. veredes, arquitectura y divulgación is indexed in Scopus.

    We are pleased to announce that the scientific journal VAD. veredes, arquitectura y divulgación has been officially indexed in Scopus, Elsevier's prestigious bibliographic reference and citation database. Scopus is recognised worldwide for its comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed literature and high-quality web content, offering advanced tools for tracking, analysing and visualising research.

  • 2024-07-29

    VAD. veredes, arquitectura y divulgación has been selected in the field of dissemination, diversification and innovation in the ARQUITECTURA 2024 Awards.

    VAD. veredes, arquitectura y divulgación has been selected in the field of dissemination, diversification and innovation in the ARQUITECTURA 2024 Awards.

  • 2024-07-04

    Call for Papers. VAD 12. The sources

    CFP Call for Papers. VAD 12. Las fuentes

    The polysemy of the word source has its roots in the Latin word fons, which means spring or origin. Its definition is simultaneously linked both to the existence of a constant support and to the flow of the changing water that emanates from it, and it is in this latter condition of liquidity that research work is based. The discussion of the fluid nature of the sources of knowledge is fundamental to understanding the processes of formation of statements in relation to any discipline. In the case of architecture, its most traditional history was devoted to transforming the monuments of the past into documents, verbalising everything that their materiality and composition were capable of tacitly transmitting. [...]

Current Issue

No. 11The archives

Published June 28, 2024

VAD11 Los archivos

Issue description

The original meaning of "archive" derives from the Greek "arkheîon," referring to the residence of the archons who had the authority to interpret deposited documents from their position of power. However, Foucault's archaeology of knowledge indicated at the onset of postmoder ... See the full issue