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No. 12 (2024): The sources

The sources

November 7, 2024


The polysemy of the word source has its roots in the Latin word fons, which means spring or origin. Its definition is simultaneously linked both to the existence of a constant support and to the flow and variability of the water that emanates from it, and it is in the latter condition of liquidity that research work is based.

The discussion of the changing nature of the sources of knowledge is fundamental to understanding the processes of formation of statements in relation to any discipline. In the case of architecture, its most traditional history was devoted to transforming the monuments of the past into documents, textualising everything that their materiality and composition were capable of tacitly transmitting. With the advances of the printing press, the first alphabetical or alphanumeric documents came to be accompanied by images with drawings, and their mass mechanical copying introduced the paradigm shift that would lead one of the characters in Victor Hugo's nineteenth-century novel to predict the death of architecture.


  1. Carpo, Mario. The Alphabet and the Algorithm. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2011.
  2. Colomina, Beatriz. Privacidad y publicidad: la arquitectura moderna como medio de comunicación de masas. Murcia: CENDEAC, 2010.
  3. Colomina, Beatriz. Textos: New Architectural Theory from the U.S.A. Valencia: Servicio de Publicaciones de la UPV, 1998.
  4. Foucault, Michel. La arqueología del saber. Argentina: Siglo XXI, 2002 (fecha publicación original 1969).
  5. Hugo, Víctor. Nuestra Señora de París. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2008 (fecha publicación original 1831).
  6. Le Goff, Jacques. El orden de la memoria. El tiempo como imaginario. Barcelona: Paidós, 1991 (fecha publicación original 1977).
  7. Malraux, André. El Museo Imaginario. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra, 2017 (fecha publicación original 1947).
  8. Warburg, Aby. Atlas Mnemosyne. Madrid: Akal, 2010.


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