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Research criticism

No. 8 (2022): The aesthetics

A periphery full of ideas

April 28, 2022


The periphery might be understood as the place where everything that we leave aside coexists, even the ideas that for whatever reason we have marginalized in the back of our minds. All those that we once had, but we couldn’t know how to carry out and were left behind in a sea of uncertainty and expectations. There are so many ideas that come to generate something, but they never achieve it... so many projects that don’t materialize and we never wonder where they are going. What about them? Are they cast into oblivion?

All the time we are generating material all over the planet that will never get materialized and we don’t know yet. Sketches, plans and many creative solutions that are born and disappear in this intellectual cloud that we generate throughout life.

We might consider at some point, that all this material can be shared. Maybe if we uncovered that box full of unfinished ideas, recycle and carry them out, we would prevent them from being lost in that periphery that we have generated.

Is this might be possible or is it just healthier to think that certain things have to be discarded in order to move forward?


  1. Benedetti, Mario. El olvido está lleno de memoria. Madrid: Visor, 1995.
  2. Departamento de Comunicación Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo-Ayuntamiento de Jerez. Disponible en (Última consulta diciembre 2022)


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