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Research criticism

No. 9 (2023): The unknowns

Joints: What are the architects talking about in France?

April 18, 2023


The theme of this issue, "The unknowns", could not be better suited to the current state of the French architectural scene, which is full of mobilisations aimed precisely at identifying the challenges of the future and the strategies to be implemented to overcome them.

This agitation touches on all fronts, starting with the most basic, that of training, which has been seriously affected by the latest reforms of academic structures. The Schools of Architecture are a strategic place from which to orchestrate a series of debates related to the prevailing environmental urgency, to the recognition of academic research and to the improvement of living conditions, not only in the big cities, but also in the peri-urban nuclei of a highly centralised country.

The twenty or so existing public schools have become aware of the need to renew the subjects taught, the teaching methods, the means of production and the role of the architect in order to respond to these questions.


  1. Álvarez Gallego, Sergio, Agustín Rubio Sánchez, Ana Rodríguez Olalla, Carmen Avilés Palacios y Manuel López Quero. Conceptos básicos de la huella de carbono. Vol. 1, Serie Huella de carbono. Madrid: AENOR EDICIONES, 2015.
  2. Francia, Ministère de la culture, “Décret n° 2018-106 du 15 février 2018 relatif au conseil national des enseignants-chercheurs des écoles nationales supérieures d’architectur”, JORF n° 0040 du 17 février 2018. Disponible en (Última consulta junio 2023)
  3. McDonough, William y Michael Braungart. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. New YorK: North Point Press, 2002.
  4. Walker, Enrique, Anne Lacaton y Jean-Philippe Vassal. Lacaton & Vassal: Espacio libre, transformación, habiter. Barcelona: Puente Editores, 2021.


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