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No. 8 (2022): The aesthetics

The Aesthetic

September 29, 2022


Aesthetics, as a reflection on the image, cannot be understood as an immutable discipline. The perception of aesthetic values, whether they relate to beauty or ugliness, harmony or imbalance, has historically been determined by social, scientific or philosophical conditioning factors.


  1. Baumgarten, Alexander. Aesthetica. Frankfurt an der Oder: Traiecticis Viadrum, Imp. Ioannis Christiani Kleyb, 1750.
  2. Fernández Alba, Antonio. Los axiomas del crepúsculo. Ética y estética de la arquitectura. Madrid: Hermann Blume, 1990.
  3. Giedion, Sigfried. Espacio, tiempo y arquitectura: origen y desarrollo de una nueva tradición. Barcelona: Reverté, 2009.
  4. Reynaud, Léonce. Traité d’architecture. París: Dunod, 1867.
  5. Roth, Leland. Entender la arquitectura. Sus elementos, historia y significado. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1999.


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