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Research criticism

No. 3 (2020): The order

What are the architects talking about in Chile? Social Crisis & Coronavirus

April 25, 2020


The social crisis in Chile, also known as 18-O, prompted architects to ask themselves about their rol after the crisis. Even though the first impulse was canalized by designing overtheorical artifacts, the media looked up to architects so that they could explain how economic inequality has shaped the cities, as urban specialists did the same, backing up on the research developed by universities and centers for urban studies over the last decade. A month after 18-O, Chilean political parties agreed to a referendum on replacing the country's constitution in 2020. This milestone confirmed a turn in the architecture debate —the solution now was politically structural with emphasis on public policies and urban environment.

Nevertheless, the social crisis was put on hold due to the COVID-based health global crisis. Since then, the discussion has revolved around the future of the cities and those challenges for private firms, academia, and the society as a whole.


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  6. Domeyko, Antonia. "Reconstruir no significar construir ni lo mismo ni tan mal". Revista El Sábado, 2 de noviembre, 2019,
  7. Espinoza A., Denisse. "Aravena y Elemental: propuestas contra la desigualdad". La Tercera, 2 de noviembre, 2019.
  8. Makit, Matías. "Liliana de Simone, investigadora UC, experta en sociedad y consumo: ‘Los malls no son de élite. Son totalmente transversales’". El Mercurio, 1 de diciembre, 2019.
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  10. Valencia, Nicolás. "Why Should We Invest in Mitigation Instead of Reconstruction? Chile's Resiliency is a Good Example". ArchDaily, 5 de julio, 2019.
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