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Research criticism

No. 3 (2020): The order

Prêt-à-porter and the architectural project order in the second machine age

April 7, 2020


In the current second era of the machine, projective processes in Architecture by digital tools can be enriched by incorporating operational order principles of prêt-à-porter to integrate technical systems as anew materiality to be incorporated into projects. The minimum tolerance provided by industrial systems facilitates the definition at 1:1 scale and the understanding of the pattern as a full-scale contrast model, enabling the validation of project decision-making.


  1. Ábalos Vázquez, Iñaki y Juan Herreros Guerra. Técnica y arquitectura en la ciudad contemporánea. Guipúzcoa: Nerea, 1992.
  2. Morris, Alexander. History of the urban form. Londres: LGK, 1974.
  3. Russel, Bertrand. Historia de la Filosofía occidental. Tomo I, li¬bro 2º, parte 1ª, capítulo II. Madrid: Espasa, 1971.


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