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Research Articles

No. 3 (2020): The order

Complexity, Chaos and Entropy: Or how understanding the evolutionary order of cities

April 30, 2020


The city is a complex system of organization and communication. The correct reading of its evolutionary mechanics, necessarily requires understanding its particular order structures, which naturally subvert the traditional ideas that we have in this regard, or at least, escape the strict notions of order that we observe in urban planning and design tools. traditional. In this sense, the main objective of this document is focused on establishing an approach to the concepts of chaos, complexity, and urban entropy; as fundamental principles to elucidate the nature of the evolutionary order in our cities. The city is a dynamic system, which as such does not configure a static order, so it is necessary to place the discussion under principles that have been the subject of reflection and study in other disciplines such as physics, biology, and chemistry, but which naturally orbit the organizational principles of the city as a dynamic system of order.


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