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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs should be provided for references.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end, and will follow the criteria listed in Submission.
  • The text should adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Submission/a, which appear in About the journal.

Author Guidelines

General information

The writings will be submitted through the website.

We accept three types of work::

  • Research articles: 4000-5000 words (including bibliography and notes), and seven images.
  • Architecture critiques (without arbitration):500-800 words and three images.
  • Book reviews (without arbitration): 400-500 words.

Research articles, architecture critiques, and book reviews should have the following format: A4 size, portrait orientation. Upper and lower margins: 3.5 cm; left and right: 2.5 cm. There will be no headers or footers. Pages will be numbered at the bottom, with right alignment.

Research articles and architecture critiques will be preceded by a cover sheet with the following information:

  • Title, in Spanish and English –the latter in italics–, to be written with Open Sans font size 14 and bold, with left alignment.
  • After these identifying data, the text should include a summary in the chosen main language and another summary in English, the length of which will not exceed 200 words in each case. Both summaries should consist in a single paragraph, written with Open Sans font, italics, size 10, justified.
  • Five keywords, in Spanish and English, separated by commas (Open Sans, italics, size 10).
Main text format

The body of the text should use Open Sans font, size 12. In-text quotations that exceed four lines should be written with size 10, and with an indentation to the right and left of 2 cm, in italics.

Headings should be written in bold lower case, and the sub-headings in italic lower case. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

The document should be single-spaced and there will be no space between paragraphs, neither between the heading or sub-heading and the beginning of the paragraph. There will be a space between the end of the paragraph and the next heading or sub-heading.

All the notes that the author deems necessary should be at the bottom of the corresponding page, according to the following guidelines: Open Sans font, size 9, justified alignment, single line spacing, no leading or trailing spacing, no indentation and continuous numbering. In the text, they will be indicated in superscript, without parentheses. The number of the note should be placed just behind the word or phrase to be referenced, never behind a full stop.

A bibliography should be presented at the end of the text, arranged alphabetically by authors. Any bibliographic quotation or reference indicated in a footnote must be included in the final bibliography of the article.

Bibliographic references should follow the indications of the The Chicago Manual of style (Notes and Bibliography System).

Figures (illustrations, diagrams, tables, maps, photographs and graphics) shouldt be presented in image format (JPG). The images should be embedded in low resolution, located in the place of the text where they should be incorporated. The final quality images should be sent in separate attachments, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Tables and figures will be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the text. The reference in the text should be made in the following form: (Table 1) or (Figure 1), etc. Each table and figure should be accompanied by a caption that briefly explains it following the model: Figure 1. Title. Source: ...; o Table 1. Title. Source: ... These table and figure captions should be written in Open Sans 9 font and single spacing.

The provenance of each of the images should be specified, indicating whether it is self-authored, assigned for publication, etc. In the case of works already published and of someone else's authorship, the source (book, magazine ...) should be indicated, using the aforementioned system of bibliographic references, clearly including the page from which it was extracted. The article 32 of the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Copyright Act regulates, the so-called "right of quotation", which implies including fragments of other external works of a plastic or photographic nature in a work, provided that they are included as a quotation, analysis, comment or critical judgment, in the field of teaching and research.

Research articles

The length of the work should be between 4,000 and 5,000 words, including notes and bibliography. Works that exceed this limit will not be accepted.

The structure of the work should be the usual one in scientific journals, with a clear statement of the objectives, sources, final conclusions and bibliography.

Before starting the peer review process, all original works will be read in advance by the Management, who will check the suitability of the manuscript to the publication's content profile, being allowed to reject directly - without going to external evaluation - works whose format does not conform to the norms, those that have an ostensibly low quality or those that do not make any contribution to the thematic areas of the journal.

Once the article has been accepted, the authors have to sign a declaration of ownership of the work and transfer of rights for its publication in VAD. Veredes, arquitectura y divulgación.

Architecture Critiques

We are accepting works destined to analyse from a critical aspect news, projects, novelties, contests and events related to architecture. They should be aimed at a broad academic audience: architects, urban planners, philosophers, art historians, sociologists, geographers, critics and theorists of art and architecture. The selection of the texts will be duly justified by the scientific and academic interest of the proposed topics, in such a way that they might generate a debate, or by the presentation of the state of the question on a specific subject. Their length cannot exceed 800 words, not including notes and bibliography.

Book Reviews

They should be short texts that comment on and critically report on a recently published book or monograph in the field of architecture. The length of the reviews should not exceed 500 words. Font: Open Sans, size 12, single spacing.

They should include the following information:

  • DBibliographic data: Title of the publication, full name of the author of the book, city, publisher, year of publication, ISBN.
  • Image of the book cover in a separate file (.jpg, png, tiff) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi

The first edition (not translation) of the book reviewed must have been published in the last two years. The Editorial Board will decide whether the proposal is published or rejected. At the end of the text will appear the name of the authors of the review, their contact email, their affiliation*, and a short CV of maximum four lines in length.

* Universidad a la que pertenece como profesor o instituto / centro de investigación en el que desarrolla su tesis doctoral o de posgrado. Si las circunstancias anteriores no se aplican, indique "Investigador independiente". Todos estos datos deben coincidir con su registro personal en el sitio web de la revista (metadatos del Open Journal System).

Research Articles

The length will be between 4,000 and 5,000 words, including notes and bibliography. Works that exceed this limit will not be accepted.

Its structure will be the usual one in scientific journals, with a clear statement of the objectives, objectives, sources, final conclusions, and bibliography.

All originals, before starting the peer review process, rights by management, examination by the manuscript, the content of the publication, the possibility to reject directly. They conform to the standards, at the same time, at the same time, to the quality, to the thematic means of the magazine.

The originals will be reviewed by the system known as "double blind peer review", keeping the author and the reviewers anonymous. The works will be sent at least to the evaluators. The Editorial Board will analyze all contributions and, taking into account external responses, as well as the volume and number in which accepted articles will be published. The author's data on the acceptance or rejection of their contribution are published within a maximum period of five months, starting from the moment the information on the acceptance of the manuscript is found for external evaluation

In view of the evaluators' reports, the Editorial Board may make one of the following decisions, which will be communicated to the author:

  • Publishable as is (or with slight modifications).

  • Publishable your review. The publication is conditional on the realization by the author of all the changes required by the evaluators. The deadline for making changes will be one month.

  • Not publishable.

Research criticism

Works for a specific analysis, projects, news, competitions and events related to architecture are accepted. It is aimed at a broad academic audience: architects, urban planners, philosophers, art historians, sociologists, geographers, critics and theorists of art and architecture.

The selection of the texts will be duly justified by the scientific and academic interest of the proposed topics, in such a way that a debate can be generated, or the presentation of the state of the question on a specific subject.

The length cannot exceed 800 words, excluding notes and bibliography.

Bibliographic reviews

They will be short texts that comment on and critically report on a recently published book or monograph in the field of architecture. The length of the reviews should not exceed 500 words. Typeface: Open Sans, size 12, single spacing.

You must provide the following information:

  • Bibliographic data: Title of the publication, full name of the author of the book, city, publisher, year of publication, ISBN.

  • Cover image of the book.

The books will be published in later years. The Editorial Board will decide if the proposal is published or rejected. The name of the author of the review will appear at the end of the text.

Possible textual citations will be written in quotation marks. When the publications are in a foreign language, the quotations will be written translated into Spanish and enclosed in quotation marks.

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As established by the aforementioned Law, we inform you that the data you provide us will be incorporated into files owned and held by Alberto Alonso Oro. The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data sent.

The delivery of all the requested data and the acceptance of this Privacy Policy is essential to be able to send the information. Therefore, the names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.

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